dylan and hamish

dylan and hamish
posing for the camra!

Monday, 21 February 2011

ello again!

We is back again!  we is very sorry we has not blogged for ages but our mummy (wot dus type for us) has been very busy wiv werky type stuff and she sumtimes not even had a chance to twitter (we finds this unakseptabul!!)

But we is back and we tell yoo about our news.

we did hav luverly christmas and did get loads of pressies from santa paws.  i did get toys and hamish did get chewy fings cos that is wot he dus best.

then it was january and it do be our burfdays.  mummy did make us a doggie burfday cake and we did share it wiv our sisfur teagan and our friend hally.  i wos 4 and hamish wos 2 and we is nearly exactly 2 years apart cos my burfday is 23rd january and hamish is 19th of january.  
mummy says this is good cos she only got to makes 1 cake.  i'm not happy bout that cos i fink hamish shud get his own cake!!

last week we did have a bit of drama cos hamish did have to go to the vet cos he was covered in spots!!  the vet lady did give him big tablets wot he has had to take all week (ha ha!) and he is better now.  i got it sussed cos i did get treats for nufink when he was getting his tablet cos mummy said it was unfair to give hamish treats and not me.

our furend marfa then did send us a message to do a funny blog for troof and lies wot we did yesterday.  if you wasn't able to guess the troof i has got a video of hamish being silly (he dus fink he is in the opera - i say he is more like a cat fight bol!!)

anyways pals - we's gotta go.  will try and get mummy to type for us soon.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Troof and Lies

We has been nominated by our furend Marfa to do some troof and lies and here dus be the rools:
1. You must proudly display the graphic wot Nayomee haz created. its presence in ower award celebrayshun is crucial to the memetastic process she iz creating here. ( I duzznt no wot Memetastic duz mean but it duz be a nice werd)
2. You must list 5 things about yourself, and 4 of them haz to be bold-faced lies.
3. You must pass this award on to 5 bloggers that you no.

So ere duz be our lies and troof.

1. Hamish dus not like swimmim and dus never jump in puddles when we dus go for walkies

2. Evry day Dylan dus make brekfast for mummy.

3. Hamish dus love to sing and dus his own karaoke

4. Dylan dus love the hoover so much he dus love to help mummy wiv it evry day.

5. Hamish dus have a hi vis jacket and works as a sniffer dog on weekends.

So now we duz have to nomeynate sum furends wot do blog:

1. Miss Teagan who blog ere www.teagantimes.wordpress.com

2. Miss Sherie who do blog ere www.tylersat99.wordpress.com

we cant do any more blogs coz i duzznt reed any uvversI dont fink. Apart from Marlee , Hamish and Marfa and we cant nomeynate them cos they ave already dun it!!

Ere be the award picshure: